New York City has gusty winds over the weekends continuing onto Monday morning. Check this report
here. Is NYC becoming the windy city, a title that Chicago had?
After I left from the movie hall, I asked my friend, who just arrived from India, to join me for dinner and he backed out stating that there were strong chilly winds outside. I was intrigued when he backed out in such a way. Little did I know that the winds were so bad. .... 40 MPH !
Damn ... I couldn't stand and I couldn't walk straight - on top of that - the overcoat wasn't helping. After picking up my take-away order from the Italian place, I wasn't inclined to get out of that warm cosy place. The earlier walk of a few hundred meters had put me in a shock about the possible shock. It was about 6F and strong winds on top of that. I started thinking - what happened? When I went inside the movie hall, it wasn't as bad. Suddenly the weather deteriorated?
Cloverfield was good but not as good as to tolerate this tormentation of the weather. There was a weather warning of winds - but nothing about the strong chill !
Anyways, next time it is windy, I will make sure not to step out without car. The walk back from the Italian place to my apt complex was dreadful with the forehead giving a sensation of frozen blood....
And No, I am not exaggerating. On return back to house, my other roomie, who went to leave back his friend, saw cars moving side to side or front to back, the stuff that appears in movies!
I hope there are no casualties due to this. My prayers with the homeless!