Tuesday, October 23, 2007

noisy city?

Finally, I found someone who shares similar views. NYC is very noisy and irritatingly so.

When I moved here, non-nyc friends and acquaintances used to ask me with envy - "hows nyc treating you? you go to wall st everyday - isn't that something?...bla bla bla"

In reply, when I used to mention that the toughest part of my day was landing at the WTC station and facing the construction, they used to feel that I was being a baby or a spoilsport. However, that's a fact.

Check out Henry Bean's latest movie on noise casting Tim Robbins and this associated article. NYC is super-noisy and so was Mumbai - my hometown. However, in the years at Pune, St Louis, and Pittsburgh, I got used to quieter better quality of life than the metros. I would eagerly wait for the movie's release.

Change of address online

As a non-immigrant resident alien, I have to inform the govt whenever I change my address. Usually, it used to be an effort which involved sending a postal mail with the form filled out.

The feds have developed a good tool which has the self-service dimension. An online change of address eliminates the need of a data-entry personnel and also, saves money for the user as postage cost is saved. That personnel can be retrained for a higher paying job, say a database admin for the new system in place.

Here's the link for the change of address online.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

movie reviews

I haven't been able to write for a while as my schedule was hectic. I'd made notes though - in the last 2 months. Today, I could put them together and post it.

Good luck chuck

I went in thinking it would be a good comedy - I guess Dane Cook needs to learn what comedy is. I mentioned that Jessica Alba wasn't a good actor at the movie theatre and folks looked at me as if I am stupid - a gentleman even came near me and mentioned - "who's come here to see her acting, mate? We thought we would see something more than the dolphin-printed undies. We did see a dozen other nude chics - (with a dissenting pause) but we wanted to see Jessica Alba in that form"

ahh - that was it. The movie lost total respect.

Acting: 3/10 - Jessica made a great attempt to show her acting. However, Dane Cook was horrible - esp when he smothers her
Script: 4.5/10 - Need to have more creativity than this.

+ No idea
- Lotssa them

The Brave One

The title didn't suit the movie content. I could understand that the lead character becomes brave one after her boyfriend's killed in The Central Park. However, I felt that it wasn't the best fit for the movie.

Movie shows brutal violent act at the beginning. Thereafter, Jodie Foster recovers from her trauma, overcomes her fear and transfoms into a different person, who does not fear anyone. She crosses the line of killing someone accidentally and gets away with it in the noise of the city.

This movie was on a similar line as that of Death Sentence, except for the fact that in Death Sentence there are two rounds of attrocious behavior against the lead actor and in this one, there is just one round.

Acting: 7/10 - Jodie Foster has tried to bring in her stoic and done so well. The love-making scenes between her and Naveen Andrews are kindda weird as the age difference appears to be significant (though it is just 7 years in real life). I guess the 40s does that to an individual !

Script: 7/10 - Transitions are fairly smooth. Folks can relate to it easily. NYC is a soft target from violence perspective and an easy-to-buy concept (though reality is different now - the crime has lowered compared to earlier days). The twist at the end with the cop coming in on time wasn't expected. The comments about Jodie's features by the young kid were misplaced (c'mon she's 46 years old for God's sake)!

Storyline was on lines with vengeance and reminded me of recent movie Death Sentence.

+ Jodie's acting
- Could've been better. Appeared to be a hurried production

The Kingdom

I walked in thinking Jamie Foxx would be horrible at acting. However, he was above my lowered expectations. I guess action roles suit him. Good package overall with appropriate musical score in the background. The message about revenge at the end was a mystery. Was it intended to be a satire? Was it an opening for sequel?

Acting: 7.5/10 - The Saudi officer who dies at the end had a good acting. I dont know the actor's name though.
Script: 8.5/10 - Intelligent script though needed some more credibility towards the end. Cross-cultural issues have been brought up well when the US investigators are working with the local police/investigators.

+ Music, Action
- Minor flaws here and there.

The Heartbreak kid
You wouldn't miss anything if you haven't seen it. This remake's promo scenes is all the movie's got to offer. A typical romantic-comedy's bachelor's fascination with greener grass on the other side, fear of committment, etc are depicted in the movie. Grossness has been played with teenage fascination.

Acting: N/A
Script: 3/10. Lack of reflection on soul and psychology of Eddie (as compared to the original movie)

Shoot 'em up
Total bang bang movie. Monica Belucci has delivered a terrible performance besides appearsing old.

Acting: N/A - doesn't matter.
Script: N/A - doesn't matter.

+ Shooting moments. Creative scenes.
- N/A

The Seeker
I wouldn't comment much on this. I saw this movie as a time-killer while spending time with a friend at a mall. It is a children movie and it would be inappropriate for me to comment on it. Script is poorly written as the element of suspense is not well-maintained.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

agree to disagree....

I was surprised to know that there were peaceful protests against Sonia Gandhi at NY. This time, they gave it a different pitch rather than her origin. Clearly, it was motivated by the extremist groups. This time they took the Mahatma issue - that Sonia is not a Gandhi...lol ! If you ask Why - the answers were those of a silly teenager, who wants to fight with you for the heck of it.

An interesting article about the issue if Sonia Gandhi must lead the nation's ruling party despite of foreign origin is discussed here: Sonia Gandhi is Indian by choice. This came out in 1999, long before she would become the next leader.

I agree on the point of the view of the extremists that this may send out wrong signals in the world - such as we need a non-Indian to rule India.

The fallacy of the argument is that Sonia is an Indian. In 1983, when Rajiv was to become Prime Minister (against his natural wish), she had to get an Indian passport and become Indian. Later, she started wearing saree, speaking Hindi, and took various steps to get accepted. What else do you want in an Indian bahu? She is trying to learn about culture of her sasural and embrace it by adopting it fully. Similar to her, I have met a lady here at my workplace - she is a non-Indian who married an Indian. They are an extremely progressive couple, I must say. She is making every effort to be as Indian as possible - such as learning Hindi despite of challenging work schedule, get married in India as per Indian ritual, etc.

So, someone twisted the argument that Sonia was not born in India and hence, not supposed to represent India. That's an interesting twist - just to make a point. Even though she was not born in India, she spent 20 years (1983 to 2003) to reach where she reached. She is legally Indian, she has Indian kids, and she is Indian by behavior as well !

Narrow minded folks dont seem to get that. Manuism still persists. Caste system still persists. East v/s West and North v/s South still persists in India. Those who oppose her existence on grounds of place of birth are as discriminatory as the folks who gave 1/3rd voting rights to the Americans of African American descent. Extending this logic further, quite a few north Indians are not Indians as quite a few have their origins amongst the Aryans, who were clearly not Indians.

The whole issue is politically motivated. Those who support this issue against Sonia are either loyal folks to extremist parties or folks who envy that a waitress can have such a position just due to her getting married to the right person.

However, I agree with the fact that she was inexperienced to politics when she gave her first speech in 1999. However, that is rarely used as a pitching point. I am amused why that is not the single most important point held as a propaganda against her by opponents. I guess they will alienate some of the young voters - lol ! Also, her Hindi has become far better.

I guess, being educated - most of Indians agree to disagree - except for a few - who end up misrepresenting India on foreign soil. Such a display of intolerance is counter-productive. As India, we have to display diversity and inclusion. Mahatma never fought for such causes such as religion (Sonia is a Roman Catholic and it was held against her by the protesters).

All in all, I was sad that NYC had to see this difference in opinion in India. The protesters could've done this in India. However, they wanted to wash the dirty linen in public. Such a shame !