I was in NYC to begin with - lounging around with some friends and having a fun time. As usual, I had to pack my bags for Monday morning; this time for Dallas. Dallas was unusually cloudy and rainy.
Finally, heading out of for a run from W, I realised that the art form at the door was really cool - fairly functional as it leveraged the wind of the windy city !
You must check out this video of the same...which is fairly close to the view I had...
At the crack of the dawn, the sunshine woke me up and the view was gorgeous..
Again, mid-week, I headed out to Denver for a less-than-24-hour trip. This time I explored Denver-night-life like I never did before. It was fun...that's all I can say. The next morning, I completed my meeting and headed back to Dallas. Fortunately, the Avis folks upgraded my PTCrusier to a modern pearl blue 08 Sebring convertible - sheer luxury ! Check out this video here:
Back in Dallas, I decided not to return to NYC for the weekend as too much travel can be disruptive for health. I plan to explore the show put up at JWM Turner here this weekend. My experience with Dallas night life has not been mixed and I will just sit back and study for the upcoming tests.
I need to rejuvenate prior to the next week's beginning to present the most productive me! I hope the Heavenly set of Westin helps me recoup soon.