Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Wow...she looked so refreshing.
She had Indian-like kurta with the silver accessories (something similar to the payal on the wrist)...and she looked slimmer.. (dunno what she and other ladies in office are doing lately....they are getting slimmer....is it WeightWatchers ?)
By now, pretty much I had come out of my silly phase and had decided to be at a certain level only. After all, she is way high up and I am way low below. Also, other things come into play.
Bee told me her tale and trip at T. She got her niece R in with her since the scene at her place is not that great. She would be better off with her aunt during her Spring break.
Anyways, coming back to our discussion. I told her about my time in Chicago.
I was about to get out. She asked me to come on in. ...since we didn't talk since a long time.
I missed her...but had got over it by now.... (pretty much).
So, after my part, she told me her part about her kitchen guy and how he came down from 80k to 29k. Only catch is ...her house would have a billboard of that company for 60 days. Hence, her kitchen would drastically be revamped. Entire episode was cool and her hard-ball play was real good. However, she has to tear her old one down herself. I think her bro and a few other ppl can do it.
Well, spending time with her is a great feeling. She is something to me I can't define.
At times, she guides me like an elder sis. At times, she loves me as a fantastic friend. Other times, she is a great mother (I wish...things would've been different for her than they are right now).
I told her "Mom's gotta talk to you".
Nervous, happy, fear of committment, etc...all at once, she said - "You are intimidating me Manik". Blushes, this that everything.
Anyways, I told her...that Saree has 3 parts...and explained why mom wanted to talk... - Measurements .
Hey bhagwan !
Someday, I m gonna ask her...what went on her mind when I told her that.
Also, I told her that Mrs. P took an offence about the money part in the email.
Wrapping it up, I got out on a note that I shall be joining her this Sat.
Celebrated anniversary recently....of coming to US.
Check out this link....
5th row, 2nd column
That's me and Lori (prev post)
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Friday, March 24, 2006
The way they met...started with a REJECTION :)
wow...n there they go !
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Online magazine
This is not another online magazine...it gives you a facility of turning pages and reading it like your regular magazine available on the stands:
I liked it: both content and presentation.
check it out !

has been wasting a lot of my time.
But, it has given me links to lot of my old friends and new potential friends.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Wachowski bros. create another master piece from the old comic.
Hugo has done nice work as the character V.
Overall, a 9 out of 10 on this flick.
Natalie Portman was absolutely attractive (not gorgeous though) though her role .... (she went bald on this one !)
I was highly impressed with the part she played after V tells her that her torture was all done by him and was staged. Nice acting, babe !
Overall, good movie for the Infosys quarterly party on Sunday.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
A colleague recently mailed this link out of curiosity... http://www.bbspot.com/News/2003/10/iporn.html
Steve Jobs, you are one heck of a moneyed mastermind who is out there to extract money from whatever possible.
to what extent can one go down ?
where is the US moral brigade of conservationists?
Thursday, March 16, 2006
She is wearing the refreshing RED which she had worn when we went out bowling.
This coupled with her gold chain is looking nice on her...told her..she should wear more of gold.... well, as usual..she disagreed and subtly mentioned..I wear gold only occasionally.
mmmmmmmmm, how do I tell her...that her other accessories didn't go well with rest of the attire !....but yeah, she has been doing really good on her overall outfits and accessories front @!
Glad to see that.
btw, one of my major milestones in projects got over....but many things remain yet to decide. Have to meditate in order to make a good decision.
As it is, leaving SP Jain Dubai-Singapore opportunity.....I am feeling so sinful !
checked out their placements....
It is true....when they say....if things come easily in life...you dont tend to value it :(
Mournin....abt bad decisions......but as a friend advised.... Be Positive.
Job ke grind ka load mat le.... karna hai utna hi kar....rest doesn't matter.
Resigning to work...on this note !
That day of year when you can drag anybody and throw colors on them.
An interesting event happened.
An inebbriated blonde stopped her car after seeing so many ppl on the streets in our apartment complex. She asked what were we all doing. We said...celebrating the Indian festival of colors.
She asked...ok..that I can see..explain more.
She was so drunk...she would get down with anybody she shook her hand with.
So, one pundit tried to explain her... "did u have quarrel/fight with anyone ?.... if yes, just throw color on him/her and then you forget all the differences and start a new beginning."
I didn't know about this.... so, thoda gyan mila.
But next, the blonde while shaking hands almost went ahead to hug this man....and I yelled "Bhai, bhabhiji idhar hi hai....haath milana ...gale na lagna"
[Bro, dont hug her.... ur wifey is nearby...just shake hands]
He got so scared...he was trembling while shaking hands.
Then later, I was explaining the lady about the festival and she offered me a drink...she was carrying a six-pack.
Anyways, the whole event was so much fun ...and my body is sore today.
I hit a mile on the stepper, another one on arc-trainer and then when I was about to have my dinner...these guys dragged me out of my house for holi and colored me completely. It was fun though..I would've missed those cute events of life. ..had I not been dragged in.
NjoI !
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
random blog
We had a lunch in an Irish place which we had visited earlier.
Besides lunch, we shared those sweet moments....
She didn't have her rules on the line... I didn't want to get her spoilt with her routine... so thought of making her conscious about it... I know she might be hating me for that... .but I can't see her get hurt....by being sinful at food.
So, she just had one piece then... I got rest wrapped up for my home so that way..she is prevented from further sin :)
btw, later we were discussing many things.
one of them was about which one am I going to take ? .....the one with the name and gets over in one year or the one with lesser name but would put me to stuff I want to do !?
The latter can land me up in trouble if I dont land up with a decent job here later.
btw, we chatted...and had a desert...her favourite is caramel... (for me, it doesn't matter !)
This is going to be one of those moments which I shall miss which I admitted to her and there she goes... "...you would get another friend... .u r sociable..." or something similar.
I told her that she should stop me anytime if I she felt that invaded her space...cos we were discussing some sensitive stuff about somebody in her family...and I wanted to make it clear that I have no intentions of making her remember all that. It all just started with the veggie Quesedilla...I had in Chevy's.
She wants ppl to be strong... to be liking themselves and depending their happiness on themselves and not others...cos in that scenario one might get hurt. She was right...but for the sake of a viewpoint..
I countered her... what's wrong with having do that ...base ur happiness on someone else ?....to an extent is fine, right ? Of course..not to the extent that you would committ suicide for that person or make your life miserable....but atleast to the extent that if that person is happy...you shall be more happy !
Of course, one should be able to bounce back fast and move around quick...no doubt about that !
Anyways, the debate continued....
She partially believes in ideologies of Ayn Rand and the concept of self-made man.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Nice place to dine...and hang around.
NjoY !
Monday, March 13, 2006
I had worn my latest JC Penny black shirt on cream trousers.
She wore a fantastic outfit today... it was a light brown outfit with nice piping on it.
Also, blue colored accessories that suited her. I dunno if they were corals.
didnt go for lunch.
..if I said something....
...if I didn't say something...
....if I did something..
.....if I didn't do something....
....if I said something in casual reference to something I did when the thing I did shouldn't have been done, or atleast done differently with more concern for her feelings.

Margins ke liye...kuch bhi karenge !
Sunday, March 12, 2006
I was talking to my mentor Shri Birla today morning.
his every "hello manik" conversation is inspirational.
he started with cricket...about "nothing is impossible"....aus v/s SA record scores !
Later, he was trying to sell me the fact why not to return to India.
IIM grad Shri Manjunath - who was murdered in fuel adulteration case.
Earlier, IIT grad who was killed in highways case (Shri Dubey)
These are miserable accounts.
My thoughts:
I agree 100 % with what he said. It is dangerous to be in India and pick up a fight with someone.
But this was (and may be still is) the life here in US when organized crime guys run the scene.
Bribed/terrified - the govt officials in US led a similar life during the days of the mafia
The more sophisticated mafias have legitimized their business.
Check out Bugsy, ...u will get to know the Vegas casino histories.
Check out the Sopranos . This prb will always be there.
It would be their terror or the ruling govt's terror.
If ruling govt is the bigger goon then it is better.
But they can lead to overall downfall. For e.g. the Bush govt in United States.
I have checked out the Indian mafia in bbay at close quarters.
Have had met for some purposes with their frontmen who are in legitimate businesses.
They dont harrass common man either.
It is all the same everywhere!
US is no different than us.
So, I dont essentially agree on this front that US is better than us.
the only edge they get is due to the money they have.
if a person does a crime somewhere...he can get easily caught due to the amount of money and sheer brute force the investigating authorities can apply.
Also, money is plenty.. hence, need to do crime is lesser.
These 2 reasons (need to enter a criminal plot and the harshness of consequence if one is caught) both deter crime enough.
This shall happen in India once they are able to manage with ample money and resources.
One of the problems with burdening population is justice can be delayed due to sheer number of outstanding cases and lack of resources to resolve the conflicts. ...
Justice delayed is Justice denied.
hence, one needs to fight for it.
Then, be it Infy or be it social world....one has to fight for it.
Friday, March 10, 2006
I can take the rain on the roof of this empty house
That don't bother me
I can take a few tears now and then and just let them out
I'm not afraid to cry
Every once in a while
Even though going on with you gone still upsets me
There are days
Every now and again
I pretend I'm ok but that's not what gets me
What hurts the most
Was being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could have been
Not seeing that love in you
Is what I was trying to do
It's hard to deal with the pain of losing you everywhere I go
But I'm doing it
It's hard to force that smile when I see your old friends and I'm alone
Still harder
Getting up, getting dressed
Dealing with this regret
But I know if I could do it over
I would trade
Give away
All the words that I say
Through my heart that I left unspoken
What hurts the most
Was being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could have been
Not seeing that love in you
Is what I was trying to do
Is what I was trying to do
Oh wow oh wow
What hurts the most
Was being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could have been
Not seeing that love in you
Is what I was trying to do
Is what I was trying to do
And never knowing
What could have been
Not seeing that love in you
Is what I was trying to do
What hurts the most
Thursday, March 09, 2006
She was trying to figure out what went wrong ...abt why i was so upset.
I didn't wanna let her know ....
she kept on asking... or suggesting some things...and being nice, of course.
1. ISB..u can re-apply next year.
2. that last lady who proposed u ?... why is there any guilt attached with u ? u have good amount of time to think about all of this. you are young and there is a whole life ahead... u made a correct decision. she didn't know u ... dun be upset...it is fine.
wondering.. I wished I had this company forever: supporting, soothing, warm, pleasant friend.
but reality strikes... she is going to be away....
and the moments have started with different degrees of separation.
I have been shifted away....but that's fine since she would be near the person she needs to be for getting her work done. I like that professionalism ! Afterall, anyways, I am a consultant for them ;) and noone likes a consultant !
Then started to conversation abt me to be shifted.
She was abt to say something and with complete interupption i spoke out the words.
About me knowing regarding the shift...
Surprised, she asked me how did I know abt it.
I wondered.....Elementary, my dear Bee.
Told her abt the communication reaching me thru other channels.
Also, told her about a dumbo reactin to it as if Bee getting rid of me. (Yes, I had a sinking feeling when my most hated master asked me abt the matter...but it was lightened after I talked with him and got to know it had just her genuine request in it)
Me: I am moving out prollie sooner than later.......
She: You were planning to stay here for the summer ( I dunno if she wud let my foodchain know....or dunno if she thot abt the activities we had thot abt earlier).
Me: .....wondering.... Tracy Chapman's song .....
Give me one reason to stay here and I'll turn right back around
Because I don't want leave you lonely
But you got to make me change my mind
Bee, I was thinking of keeping you happy, nothing else.
The fact was...there was no reason left for me.
As it is, ISB was a sad blow (I was thinking too high about myself and landed up with just no choice...and only my backup...the Shani effect ?...prollie yes..I have been really impudent on that front )
Inability to be present at mom's 50th bday in India was another blow :'(
Shift was the last one !
By Monday evening this week, I was pretty much down at the bottom of the pit :(
Later, other rejects.
Life is now accustomed to rejections !
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Well, since a past few days, I have been analyzing my decisions:
1. I left SPJain Dubai-Singapore MBA opportunity despite of the admit(their placements have considerably improved...last year's track record was really bad ! Prollie I missed on a gold mine there).
2. I didn't put in 100% efforts for the ISB interview.
I have an admit from IS Mgmt course of CMU (http://www.mism.cmu.edu)
I have no clue if they will be able to meet what I want from their course.
Initial talk with Ron indicates he can get me placements for consulting firms...but for service mgmt, no idea. I want a role in engagement mgmt
Also, investing such an amount of time and money in a non-MBA seems to be a no-no for me
On the other hand,
if my documents processing happens fast, I would be in May batch which is a one-year option.
It would take me a little bit away from my Finance field aspirations...but what the hell who cares? (I dont want to be a fixed income analyst anyways)
It's a means to an end. I shall continue with my investments independently.
If possible, I shall park some funds with Mr Chetan Parikh (http://www.jeetay.com)
Links like these have started to unnerve me:
India Rising
Good Morning America
Bush's visit to ISB
This really put me topsy turvy.
Missed on some equity chances due to me being here and not able to so actively track opportunities as I could from India.
So, the confusion is on two counts:
1. India or US ?
India is hot right now.... any business...bound to usher.
US is
2. Job or business.
If India, mostly business
If US, mostly job (do I like it that way ? )
btw, the only person I cared abt at workplace.... has got me shifted away frm her.
but there might be a reason... she needed proximity of another worker .
I m fine with the shift...just that it would be really boring in the new place.
Apparently, she came in a little bit in a haste to the office today. Prollie, had a tough workout last night I guess.
we had a long lunch. I didn't mean to waste her time but topics kept on coming up.
I wanted to discuss it over the weekend at length...but it didn't stop.
how do i tell her?............
whatever i told to mom.... :|
Monday, March 06, 2006
Sunday, March 05, 2006
If I'm not in love with you
If I'm not in love with you
What is this I'm going through
And if this heart is lying then
What should I believe in
Why do I go crazy
Every time I think about you baby
Why else do I want you like I do
If I'm not in love with you
And if I don't need your touch
Why do I miss you so much
If it's just infatuation
Why is my heart aching
To hold you forever
Give a part of me I thought I'd never
Give again to someone I could lose
If I'm not in love with you
Oh, why in ever fantasy
Do I feel your arms embracing me
Like lovers lost
In sweet desire
And why in dreams do I surrender
Like a little baby
How do I explain this feeling
Someone tell me
If I'm not in love with you
What is this I'm going through
And if this heart is lying then
What should I believe in
Why do I go crazy
Every time I think about you baby
Why else do I want you like I do
If I'm not in love with
If I'm not in love with
If I'm not in love with you