We had a lunch in an Irish place which we had visited earlier.
Besides lunch, we shared those sweet moments....
She didn't have her rules on the line... I didn't want to get her spoilt with her routine... so thought of making her conscious about it... I know she might be hating me for that... .but I can't see her get hurt....by being sinful at food.
So, she just had one piece then... I got rest wrapped up for my home so that way..she is prevented from further sin :)
btw, later we were discussing many things.
one of them was about which one am I going to take ? .....the one with the name and gets over in one year or the one with lesser name but would put me to stuff I want to do !?
The latter can land me up in trouble if I dont land up with a decent job here later.
btw, we chatted...and had a desert...her favourite is caramel... (for me, it doesn't matter !)
This is going to be one of those moments which I shall miss which I admitted to her and there she goes... "...you would get another friend... .u r sociable..." or something similar.
I told her that she should stop me anytime if I she felt that invaded her space...cos we were discussing some sensitive stuff about somebody in her family...and I wanted to make it clear that I have no intentions of making her remember all that. It all just started with the veggie Quesedilla...I had in Chevy's.
She wants ppl to be strong... to be liking themselves and depending their happiness on themselves and not others...cos in that scenario one might get hurt. She was right...but for the sake of a viewpoint..
I countered her... what's wrong with having do that ...base ur happiness on someone else ?....to an extent is fine, right ? Of course..not to the extent that you would committ suicide for that person or make your life miserable....but atleast to the extent that if that person is happy...you shall be more happy !
Of course, one should be able to bounce back fast and move around quick...no doubt about that !
Anyways, the debate continued....
She partially believes in ideologies of Ayn Rand and the concept of self-made man.

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