Sunday, December 24, 2006
johnny cash lyrics
Watching this movie reminded me of a close friend with whom I had watched the movie earlier this year ! This is the only movie I must've watched thrice in this year.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Xmas prep

I also received couple of gag-gifts from them after I told them about an incidence with one of my roomies. I also received a costume - yipee ! I will post a picture with the costume later.
Bal&Val are a cute and caring couple and have never let me miss my family - though I do long to visit India and visit parents and meet my younger bro !
A ribbon will go around the tree and I will get to see it when I visit them on Friday. On Sat morning, we start on our drive to Virginia, where Val's mom has invited me. (I had met her the last time during Thanksgiving day.)
So, now they have 2 trees: one upstairs and one downstairs !
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Rudy Youngblood, a valiant hunter is hunted by the Maya kingdom's organized force for the human sacrifice ritual. This reminded me of the olden days in India....
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Veggie delite ?!
Later, due to the circulation, I think the boys got fired up and asked if we must play another game and I said - ok. It was still daylight and we played another game - similar repeat success - same bowler - same boundary hits - but this time, I could hit to the other bowler too - so it wasn't a bowler issue - it was my play ressurecting. hahahhaha, lol....kidding - I was barely in control of the bat as compared to my earlier days. I haven't held bat since last year now.
Below is a picture of some group of people playing cricket at the same place that we did yday. This was taken earlier during the summer.
btw, my body is sore now and I plan to do sauna bath in the gym before I start working...oops, studying.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Mumbai to host 2011 Cricket World Cup
I wish to see some top game in Mumbai and I wish to see the pitch of the Mumbai's stadium being developed in that light - If my guess is correct, this will be in the Wankhede stadium and not the Brabourn one.
I am a hardcore Mumbaikar to the core and it gives me pleasure to bring this piece of news to my readers !
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Who can save us?
Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman ....
They said that it will take atleast 7 years just to plan a mission of this scale.
On a sidenote, for project management profile, the recruiter from Raytheon had selected me - but 100% of their projects are of classified nature. It could've not given me the money - but I would've been a specialist.
Monday, December 04, 2006
....another one bites the dust...
I remembered this when more friend intimated me that she is getting engaged this month. I was thinking - well, how can ppl commit for life at age 25?
Reasons for not making the decision favor you more than reasons for making the decision:
1. If you date more you can explore more choice. More choice helps you make better decision - just like shopping. There is a risk of losing out on an earlier better candidate but there is also a risk of getting tied to something (or someone) without doing market research (I am talkin business now...:P check out my earlier post on Marriages as mergers/takeovers...) I agree marriage is about love and what you like and things like that - however, it is also about spiritual growth of both the partners when the initial attraction (blame Cupid for that) is over. With age and experience comes maturity and hence, enhanced judgment capacity for making a better choice.
2. There is a threat of getting older while taking time to make the decision - well, marrying till 29,30 is perfectly fine - given the fact that the life-expectancy is increasing and that kids start earning at earlier ages. However, this risk can be mitigated by focusing on checking out the options in the right range of age !
3. There is no need to retire early because you make more when you are older ....
Reason which someone gave me while advising to get married early is that one gets freed of material obligations earlier in life. But, with my points above, this is countered already !
Saturday, November 04, 2006
...Marriages as mergers/takeovers....
R,C, Culture, and Org...are imp in a merger situation. Same must be applicable for marriages. Revenues must go up...(both partners earnings are aggregated) , costs must go down (economies of scale via sharing resources such as house, etc), culture must match to the extent that there are no frequent awkward instances. Last but not the least, org....compatibility with partner in terms of complementary personalities (based on MBTI...Myers Briggs Type Indicator test). If both are ENTJ, it may not work out.
Anything violating this may sabotage the possibility for the best possible relationship. If it is getting too late, one may think of compromising on a few and obviously you wont get the best match but something in optimal direction.
From an individual's perspective, there are various risks in a marriage. Let us discuss one of them - that about cheating.
If an individual meets a partner in a white-knight situation, the other partner will have an obligation to remain faithful. So, the white-knight concept of takeovers works for marriages too(in a corporate takeover, the acquiring firm(white knight) tends to get a lot of support from the acquiree company). Of course, this is assuming that the loyalty test is done. This is just one of the methods to ensure absence of cheating. There are other methods too.
There must be a net value creation for both the individuals. As a married couple, their social, and economic status must be higher than the individuals left alone (Sum of the parts). This will not leave any of the partner feeling less satisfied. I dont indulge in vanity fair and hence, more than status, I feel they complement each other then it works better. So, an easy way for couples to figure this out is "what do you bring to the table?", "how do I contribute to you", "what will be the goals of this union", and "how do we combine to gain our individual goals (will be able to ?)?"
Next, we will consider the possibility of culture can play a huge role in shaping up the marriage. At times, when people from different cultures marry and if they have not given adequate thought to it, then it creates issues not thought about earlier. For instance, if an Indian girl marries a western guy, then she will get considerable flexibility in various terms but she cannot expect this guy to bend and touch the feet of her father during their meetings. He will pretty much address her dad by the first name and her dad may find this offending. (just a hypothetical possible scenario).
Personality types must be complementary - otherwise, there is a higher possibility of clashes. Moreover, it is better to have both the partners as matured individuals because the possibility of divorce is lesser for couples who married later than earlier.
Note: These are thoughts by a bachelor in a definite perspective (marriages as mergers) and they are all in forms of a guidelines instead of "rules" because "rules" cannot exist for the partner-search process. There can be guiding principles and a very small fraction has been briefly mentioned. above.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
headhunt your partner !
So true....I was disillusioned for sure...because ppl misrepresent themselves in their profiles and then going on a second date with such ppl are a strict no-no.
So was Bee (close friend)...cos initially she met ppl who asked her to be the "other" woman....and when I heard about it...I felt that the dating scene here is horrible. But then, I think...she got her long term relationship with John on the Internet only. I am glad she is happy with him and that they both are vacationing together !
Match-making seems to be a good concept....and it is working ..given the fact that ppl are ready to pay upto 8K GBP for such a service in UK ...and upto $25 K in US.
In another move of a radical kind, dating over lunch for busy professionals has come up in UK which is trying to bridge the gap between speed-dating and normal dating ! Check that out here.
Unmarried women targetted in elections
The level at which this will be done ?
Recently, I was talking to a VP of a startup firm who sold the firm at an attractive price. She was explaining me of how a leading beer manufacturer paid them for preventing their ads being sent to unmarried ladies ! Ads were streaming media ads.
Check out the news here !
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Happy Halloween !

So, Halloween is here.... Last Thursday, we had a party for the same.

MISM Fall 06 starts were all present. Surprisingly, none of the summer starts were present at the party. I wonder what they were doing on Thursday night.
In the picture next to me is Salim stabbing Udayan.... Salim wears the V for Vendetta mask.
Beers of two types were free. No food...though pizza was there initially. Beer-pizza combination is so unhealthy !

Most of the ppl were in a costume. We had some dance later on....when the UPitt students joined in. They were fun ppl.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Falling back will never be the same again...
Monday, October 23, 2006
Diwali is in the air !

Check out some of the pictures taken on Diwali day ! These were taken at the SV Temple in Monroeville.
The first picture is of a cute kid at the temple - his name was Ian. His parents told me that it was the first time Ian had held sparklers !
that's kindda cute !
What is more cute is the small tie he is wearing !!

Another picture is of Varun, another kid who was visiting the temple. He was very happy for the picture being taken. I just wanted to make his day with this gesture.
I've sent Varun his picture and I hope he is happy with it.
At the temple, I was missing my family.............sooooooooooooooooo much!
So, I called up Val and Bal and went on to meet them after the temple affair. There was a bad damn it ! It took me more than 65 mins to reach Robinsons from the temple.
Well, here's the last one....with my roomies - with the sparklers. I held these after a very very long time. It was fun to play with those !!!

Wishing all my readers a very Happy Diwali and a prosperous New Year ahead !!!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Now, it is asking for more and more attention. I am keeping my fingers crossed on it not giving me too much pain next week because my finals are scheduled next week.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
new pictures uploaded
You can reach it by clicking here:
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Monday, September 04, 2006
Over-indulgence !
Over-indulgence - yeah...that's the word. I will account for it from latest backwards.
MISM party
On Friday night, our soc-coordinator invited MISM students for a party of MSIT, MISM and ISPM folks.

Three cheers to having such a rep.
The event happened at Doc's Place. In the evening, it was pouring and was slightly cold. The place has two settings on the upper deck - indoors and outdoors.
While indoors had some music - outdoor was more fun since there was more space to move around.

A social event like this is good to know your peers, faculty, et al in a different perspective. Andy (Ass. Dean) was telling us his stories as an MBA student of GSIA (CMU's bschool) and so was Sumitha (MISM Program director). Some of the fresh fall-06 batch students were also enjoying this event.
The turnout was not that great but I must admit that the even organizers did a good job at estimating the size of turnout!
Here's a snap of myself, Andy, and fall06 students.

Heinz party
Before this, there was an orientation party at the same place, about a week before. It was fun too. But it had wider spectrum of students since the Arts Mgmt and Public Policy Mgmt students were also part of the party then.
Not posting any pictures from that since I dont have any!
Mehrdad's graduation celebration at his place
Last night, I visited our Telecom Mgmt class's studygroup mate's place. With Telecom class, he finished his third graduation! He was BEng in Civil, then Masters in Civil, then Masters in CAD, then completed transition to IT with MSIT from CMU with Security track.
Mehrdad is Iranian and his wife is Chinese. The food was really good - Chinese and Iranian - a delight to my taste buds. Yummy !
Andy made some mango bars and I've brought quite a bit of them home so that I can relish them later.
One surprising discovery last night was knowing that lentils are not a good source of proteins. Therefore, I will have to switch to Tofu soon :-/
I know.... my travel log is yet to be completed !
I shall post it later on .
Meanwhile, I have to gear up for the companies which are going to visit the campus.
Friday, September 01, 2006
So, finally, I slept at around 2 am last night. When I woke up, I saw the TCPulse scheduler and it said that I had a review session for my Econ class at around 9 am. So, I hurried myself out of the bed at 8 am to get ready. Later, I checked out the timings again at some other location and found that it was at 3:30. However, I have my Chinese class for which I have to get my Audit form filled.
Meanwhile, I read this article and it started reminding me of old days. I recommend it to everyone who wants to come out of the regular consensual structure of the society and attain happiness.
At 2 pm, there is an exam for Java exemption. I am feeling so tired.
Fortunately, there is a party in the evening at 6 pm (courtesy Sarah Taillon - the soc-coordinator for MISM). Looking forward to that.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
...on the road..
Though my eggjams got over earlier on Thursday, I have been multitasking to get my Telecom term paper done and meet Lady J who was in town for a convention.
Later, on Friday, after the paper was done, I had to work towards Startegy paper. Saturday - I expected to have a marathon and we had only 10 am to 3 pm timing in which fair amount of work was put on paper. Earlier, we didn't note whatever we got - just discussed - some effort in putting it on paper at that time itself may have reduced the aogny and delay now. Anyways, it is a good lesson to have.
Sunday - I travelled with Lady J from Pittsburgh to Wilkes Barre. Lady J's father took us out for dinner and the Chinese food was delicious! So nice of him.
Monday morning, Lady J's grandma made fresh bread - I have never consumed anything like that. It was awesome. Then we travelled from Wilkes Barre to Hanover, New Hampshire. On our journey, I found some of the places exotic - Woodstock, (some red Indian name I dun remember), and a gorge. I saw Dartmouth campus that evening. At Lady J's place we saw DDLJ - she bought the DVD due to her Bollywood affinity.
Tuesday morning, I went from Hanover to NYC via Boston. I met my high school buddy Om after a very long time. Om and Preeti are such a cute couple. They are good hosts too!

Late in the evening on Wednesday, I met Darshan and Mukul - my friends from undergrad college and now working for Goldman Sachs and engaged now.
They gave me a treat for their engagement - Kathi rolls - they were similar to Frankies and I took the Masala Aloo roll.
We hung around in Times Square a bit and then I took off. Meanwhile, in Brooklyn there was a fire in the subway and I was stuck on the other side. I shall blog one more post for details of NYC that I got to know this time.
Meanwhile, the Strategy term paper which was due on Aug 16th was allowed to be postponed to Aug 17th. I have working my ass off for the same since I used to have long days and then in the night I worked around the paper. 2 nights I have worked till 8:30 in the morning - O.M.G. - had we not postponed it - the agony would have been lesser.
On Friday evening, I shall leave for Boston to reach Adwait's place around midnight, if traffic doesn't delay the journey.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
I asked a few colleagues at CMU - "What does the word Etiquette bring up in your mind ?"
Answers included:
-dinner sense
-formal scenario behavior sense
However, this small book defined ettiquette as a way of living. It is difficult for a person to be one person with more important ppl and another person with lesser important ppl. Respect is the key to having good etiquettes. Hence, etiquettes should be implemented in every facet of life. If you are requesting something to someone then use "please" (that includes banging the ringing the bell at midnight to get in the house by housemates too!). Convey thank-you for every good deed someone did to you. Never cut queues. Treat everyone equally well- be it your boss or be it the cashier at the superstore. This is to make it a habit!
Right from pettiquettes to cell phone conversations in public places, everything involves etiquettes. Email involves etiquettes(Prof Ed Barr taught us) and of course every other activity involves etiquettes. Etiquettes even affects your children since they tend to have behavior of their parents/guardians imprinted on their minds. Even rejecting your date involves etiquettes!
One of the surprising discoveries I had while reading the book was as follows:
While you are trying to convey condolences you should not say "I can understand how you feel". Instead, the usage of "We are sorry for the demise and we shall miss him/her" is more appropriate. Ppl say things they are not supposed to say because they dont know what to say!
Another surprising discovery was that fidgeting is not regarded as a good body-language while in a lecture hall or while conversing.
Those who do consider learning more about etiquettes must read this book. It took me about 65 mins to read it entirely. About 150 pages (quarter size of a regular book's page).
Saturday, July 29, 2006
divorce culture !
A particularly good lifecycle stages paper is here.
I liked the idea of "multiple marriages" with the same spouse ! - its like introducing newer products in technological life cycles.
Interesting report on 10 year marital quality can be checked out here . In summary, this report says that - the moment you are married - the perceived quality lowers in the first 4 years - then plateaus for next 3 years and then nosedives rapidly till year 10.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
...of Strategy and pre-nup....
btw, the point is besides that - he also mentioned -
If all the couples had a pre-nup then it would save quite a bit of money for the economy and also, reduce burden on the judicial system.
This reminds me the case of a guy in AT&T who lost more than a 100k in trying to get custody of his kids from his ex-wife ! I had never seen him but all the interactions were over the phone. However, others who had worked with him closely (pun intended) told me that he took advantage of his good looks - hence, fidelity may have been one of the points for divorce by his spouse. She got married soon and this guy couldn't since he had 2 child supports and a 100k debt ! Later, his girlfriend had a kid and is not ready to get married and so, he pays for her kid too !
Coming back to strategy - I asked him a question (which a lady had expressed while having a similar discussion) - the lady partner says - "You dont trust me !" Well, professor didn't want to get into controversy but I knew what he wanted to say - "Given the current social system and the current stats of guys having only 15% chance of winning any divorce case, this is a good balancer"
Now, my take on this from Strategy and game theory perspective:
-Having a pre-nup forces the lady to work and pay less attention to family since the guy can leave her anytime and she might be left helpless if she kept on handling the family and the guy kept on building his career.
- However, if there's no pre-nup the lady is incentivized to misbehave since she would get both allimony (till the time she gets a job or gets married again) and child support (along with the kid). There is no incentive for him not to leave atleast on financial terms.
If there's no pre-nup then he would fear the consequences of divorce (allimony, child support) and hence, behave.
I have simply presented two specific possibilities and they indicate that pre-nups are a must and the lady must also build her career (if she doesn't trust her guy). Developed world has its own set of problems and this is one of them.
The fact remains that divorces have high costs unless they are mutual and silent. The lawyers make a huge chunk of money out of these cases. Also, you would then say - in a relation as sacred as marriage - when do you say - enough is enough? - I would say "Never" [assuming ur original choice was good]
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
...blogging almost after a week
The theme for the current mini is Collaboration - quite a few group projects - for assignments, projects, etc. Reminds me of my Project Management days !
I have been sleeping late - at midnight or later instead of regular 10:30 pm.
Also, I haven't been getting up early.
Am I tired ?
Am I burnt ?
Have I lost interest ?
However, for my personal goal achievement - should it matter ?
I have to spring back - back in action, more organized than I am right now.
I should not let a couple of deadbeat project-mates kill my enthusiasm (- its one of the tenets in "The 8th Habit"). ...The Show must Go On..~!
Last weekend was good on the perspective that I finally talked with a friend I could resonate with !... we talked and talked..... for 2 hours. Intelligent and thinking entity - she is so much enthused with the Indian culture that she has researched on it to an extent that she knows more about Bhangra than I do. She seems to be a voracious reader.
Synchronous to this, I met someone on Sat evening (friend's friend) - right at the time we greeted each other, I felt this wont work and it didn't ! I was trying at every moment to almost end the meeting - probably would not meet again.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
I've made it to 67k a couple of times - but never to 86,900 - Level 09 and banana as the fruit - wow - what a game !
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Book: Everything I wanted to know about men, I learnt from my dog
The author wrote Sex and the City too.
I read the book Blink at the Starbucks on Murray Ave till the time the person I was waiting for could turn up on Friday evening. She was an hour late - but that's fine - since I was reading a book anyways. By the time she came, I had alaready read about 49 pages of the book.
Blink was recommended by Prof Chris Labach, Professional speaking faculty for MISM. Blink had a few good examples such as the statue-authencity and Gottman's ability to predict the strength of marriage for a couple from their interactions. By the time the first piece of readin got over - there she cometh. I went to keep the book back on the shelf while she was browsing through a few cookbooks (she cooks exotic dishes !). Well, by the way, she said, look at this title ! Everything I wanted to know about men, I learnt from my dog- I read the name of the author - Staples, "Sex and the City", I replied. She said - Lets read this.
At the back of my mind, I was processing, what does she mean by "Let us" - this is a book to be read by women without men in their vicinity ! Anyways, we took 2 copies and in one hour - we were both done with it.
The author draws interesting parallels between dogs and men - some meaningful and some ridiculous. Also, socio-cultural background plays a role. That reminded me of Neha - she had once told me that her mom-in-law had explained to her how all men are dogs. I could now understand why she might've said that. Overall- hilarious, insightful, witty, and wise.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Fanatics strike again ...
Death toll is 170 and counting.
I would reserve my comments since I am emotion-laden at this stage.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Women on top ...
Today, the same is in the NY Times here.
At college, women are leaving men in dust !
That's exactly what the title reads.
So, are western women more sensible than the guys ?
It is arguable - my professor for Emotional Intelligence and Leadership - Ms. Smith - indicates that women have comparative advantage in certain facets due to the way they are wired genetically and evolutionarily.
Well, from personal experience I have found that women have many a times outshone guys on the academic front.
So, now, the question is - then why are there lesser ladies in engineering schools in India ? Take IITs for example - you would barely see a female there.
First, the answer lies in what Ms. Smith taught once - men use one side of brain intensely than flip-floping whereas ladies flip-flop between the right and the left brain. If a guy is using right then he would keep on using the right side and if the left then he would keep on using the left.
Second, Indian girls are at a disadvantage due to the parents discouraging them from entering such competitions. A few exceptional cases would always argue with me but I am speaking for the majority of Indian females.
Would this trend repeat in India ? Well, once India becomes a developed economy - it may have a similar trend. One can hypothesize a scenario in which more number of ladies take up advanced education and constantly outperform their male peers. It has started happening in software services firms like Infosys already !
For example, an ex-roomie married a girl of his batch- the girl was going to be promoted before him - wow ! She has a higher pay than him already. :) Not that I want to rub in to him but yes, he too made some sacrifices for her and she cannot take complete credit for the same.
Well, I would not like to predict ....and hence, lets watch what happens.
Hail - the gurl power !
Friday, July 07, 2006
random thoughts ....!
Searching in the void...
Living in the present,
With emotions devoid.
I dont remember the past
I've forgotten its demise.
I dont worry about the future
I'm not waiting for any surprise.
Taking one moment at a time,
I'm living in the present.
I'm searching for something unknown,
In the hollow of each moment.
I'm just sailing with the time
Counting hours, couting days.
I am unable to comprehend
Destiny's baleful ways.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
What does a woman want ?
answer... is, "What does a woman want?
Sigmund Freud
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
missing Bee
Almost everything reminds me of her - coffee, water, lunches, the place where I live now, the lawn, her guidance, her anger, her sensible nature , head-in-the-lap moments, and almost everything.
Bee, if you are reading this blog - this one's devoted to you.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Monday, June 12, 2006
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Monday, June 05, 2006
Eden got married !
35, divorced, celibate since Apr 2004..I think of it as some sort of fasting for pleasing her gods. Finally, she got married. The guy is someone who she met online and continued in real life. Both are intelligent. She is a tech manager.
Quite a few of her things resemble to those of someone I know of closely and had been thinking about over the weekend. I wish it comes true for her...that she gets married !
I would be so happy for her.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Depressing Saturday !
I was too tired. also, called home and quite a few friends to catchup....
I was so down today !
Friday, June 02, 2006
I can't make you love me....
After hours of talk, suddenly, she started singing the George Michael song...
Turn down the lights, turn down the bed
Turn down these voices inside my head
Lay down with me, tell me no lies
Just hold me close, don't patronize
Don't patronize me
'Cause I can't make you love me If you don't
You can't make your heart feel something it won't
Here in the dark in these final hours
I will lay down my heart, and I'll feel the power
But you won't, no you won't
And I can't make you love me
If you don't
I'll close my eyes and then I won't see
The love you do not feel, when you're holding me
Morning will come, and I'll do what's right
Just give me till then, to give up this fight
And I will give up this fight
And I can't make you love me if you don't
You can't make your heart feel something it won't
And here in the dark in these final hours
I will lay down my heart and I'll feel the power
But you won't, no, you won't
And I can't make you love me
If you don't
Ain't no use in you trying
It's no good for me baby without love
All my tears, all these years, everything I believed in
Oh yeah
Someone's gonna love me
....and I was touched. Touched - because of what she had to offer - love ?!
I was however, too focussed on my studies at this moment....doing my Fin Stmt Analysis assignment. She asked me to visit this Dec ...well, and I had to decline. Not that I meant to be rude to her but because of my current status in this country. I am on H1 transferring to F1. If I get out of this country, I would have to get passport stamped.
Anyways, there was a huge geographical incompatibility in anything about this relationship. It cannot exist. Moreover, we had met just half a dozen times. I always saw that in her eyes and in her communication. However, it never crossed my mind that it would be something beyond that.
I was vulnerable when she sang it....since I am single, 24, away from family for more than 17 months now and not seeing anyone these days due to study committments. However, key learnings and experience teaches me that I need to be far more discreet and rational. This nature of relationship had no future and though it would keep occupied (waste time on GTalk! and raise my Reliance India phone bills for both of us) it didn't make sense to continue.
Moreover, if she goes one step ahead and becomes a little bit more outgoing, she would get a thousand gentlemen who would be a better fit. I failed to understand this coming up after such a long time... !
Thursday, June 01, 2006
GRITS (Girls Raised in the South)
I came across this book:
The GRITS (Girls Raised in the South) Guide to Life
Awesome book !
Structure, presentation, illustrations, etc everything was well in place.
Deborah Ford has done a good job with the pen.
I read it in 85 minutes flat :)
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
The Southern Girl
The fairest thing on land or sea
Is the Southern girl, to me.
You should see her when the stars
Come studding all the sky;
And feel her beaming eye
On you when the moon is full –
Fairest of all that’s fair is she,
The Southern girl, to me.
Monday, May 29, 2006
Dionne Warwick rephrased !
What do you get when you fall in love?
A gurl with a pin to burst your bubble
That's what you get for all your trouble.
I'll never fall in love again.
I'll never fall in love again.
What do you get when you kiss a gurl?
You get enough germs to catch pneumonia.
After you do, she'll never phone you.
I'll never fall in love again.
I'll never fall in love again.
Don't tell me what is all about,
'Cause I've been there and I'm glad I'm out,
Out of those chains, those chains that bind you
That is why I'm here to remind you
What do you get when you fall in love?
You get enough tears to fill an ocean
That's what you get for your devotion.
I'll never fall in love again.
I'll never fall in love again.
What do you get when you fall in love?
You only get lies and pain and sorrow.
So, for at least until tomorrow,
I'll never fall in love again!
I'll never fall in love again!
Don't tell me what it's all about
`Cause I've been there and I'm glad I'm out
Out of those chains, those chains that bind you
That is why I'm here to remind you. (here to mind you) 3x
What do you get when you fall in love?
You only get lies and pain and sorrow
So, for at least, until tomorrow
I'll never fall in love again
Oh, I'll never fall in love again
Sunday, May 28, 2006 Oxford !
India is certainly taking over the globe !
Mehndi, offshoring, etc are the new words added in it.
Friday, May 26, 2006
Marriage on the rocks in the western world !
Males in western society
Detterent to marriage
btw, this is crazy....what kind of society is this ?
Marriages are of the genders is overpowering others.
well, in such a scenario the emotional health of ppl is in question.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Murphy's law in action
Well, I experienced this first hand.
I made a sudden decision to hit Cincin on Friday/Sat night after 400 miles towards Pitts and my bumper got hit.
I made a decision to keep my car parked outside....street cleaning guys put a 15$ ticket for me. Have to check out the date to pay it. Also, shall have to figure out how to pay it.
If that was less, the realtor slapped us with a notice ...a legal one stating that our entry into the townhouse was illegal !
Well, shall have to negotiate with him .
So, in between
parking tickets, notices and a broken bumper, I could get some time to blog this.
Some happening phase of life... !
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Russell Peters
This dude is hilarious !
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
my new place,...
Here's Arun and Sri in the picture I took near CMU...while we were going towards a photocopy shop!

This was taken on a side-walk of the Forbes Ave....opposite to Hamburg Hall (Heinz School's bldg).
First few days have been fun and wavelength matching is happening well.
Townhouse is cool and land lady has agreed to clean it up for us !
Hence, I am pretty much sticking out here itself .
I shall post picture of our house and neighbourhood shortly.
I am officially now a resident of Squirrel Hill...........finally !
..Madonna...losing it...
Check out the latest act of get back into the spotlight !
Is she suffering from some sort of mid-life crisis or late menopausal symptoms ?
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Strange is the path of love...
Do not mention the name of love,
O my simple-minded companion.
Strange is the path
When you offer your love.
Your body is crushed at the first step.
If you want to offer love
Be prepared to cut off your head
And sit on it.
Be like the moth,
Which circles the lamp and offers its body.
Be like the deer, which, on hearing the horn,
Offers its head to the hunter.
Be like the partridge,
Which swallows burning coals
In love of the moon.
Be like the fish
Which yields up its life
When separated from the sea.
Be like the bee,
Entrapped in the closing petals of the lotus.
Mira's lord is the courtly Giridhara.
She says: Offer your mind
To those lotus feet.
The value of failure
Failure is a normal and natural part of achievement. When the failures come, learn from them and then move quickly along.
Failure is not the worst thing that can happen. The worst thing that can happen is to let the fear of failure prevent you from ever doing anything.
If your top priority is to avoid all failure, then you will surely fail. For only by accepting and living with the possibility of failure can you succeed and achieve.
Failure is not the end of the world. It is merely another step on the pathway to fulfillment, wisdom and achievement.
Though you would never intentionally set out to fail, when failure does come the best thing to do is to gracefully accept what has happened. That will enable you to gain the most positive value from it.
Then you can move right along to the next step, and soon you'll be a long way past the failure, filled with more wisdom and experience. Let failure be, and achievement will surely come.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Thursday, May 11, 2006
...random thoughts - truth
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
Someone told me... a parallel to be drawn in Infy system is :
1. Appraisal Initiation
2. Appraisal Discussion
3. Appraisal Closure
(Now, that person is a classical Infoscion !)
btw, I saw the above stmt getting implemented in "O Brother, Where art thou".
When Ulysses reveals his actual intentions to the boys...they first ridicule it saying that they would have to spend rest of their lives in prison due to the jail-break. Then they start hitting him. Finally, they accept it as being self-evident !
Well, Ullyses is a smart man.
btw, the movie was fan_damn_tastic !
Southern, hick....all the accents.....well, George Clooney has done a good job in it.
Some of characters have been shown to be the ones who existed in reality. For e.g., Babyface Nelson a.k.a. George Nelson. There were a couple of others too.
The trio sets out their journey by running out from a farm. On their journey, they perform in a studio as the Soggy Bottom Boys ! They steal a car and get involved in a bank robbery. They do a lot of crazy stuff which eventually lands them up into a adventure-seeking journey !
Good direction - I particularly liked the music and the recreation of the era.
Overall, I shall give it a 8.5 out of 10.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Nostalgia - Hyd tour of 2004
Ask, Sanjay , Moiz, Aniruddha Date( all my roommates)….we were hedonists there… with the sole aim of pleasure and pursuit of the same.
Places we visited:
1. Birla Mandir…ek baar jaao..baar baar jaane ki iccha hogi.
2. Golconda Fort….2 times..once for the Lights and Sounds show(in the evening)…and secondly for the complete fort on the immediately next day.It gives the complete history of how the twin cities(Hyd and Sec’bad) were formed…and how ppl lived in harmony.
3. Nizam’s Museum. Now, this dude was gr8, man…. ! He used a Rs.400 cr worth diamond paper-weight. The last Nizam bloke neva wore his clothes more than once and therefore, had world’s longest wardrobe of 240 feet in length. And, so mnay other relics…
4. Salarjung Museum. A must see. We couldn’t cover it fully. The main attraction was Rebecca’s statue. In this statue, there is this lady sculpted from marble. This babe’s statue has a cloth(veil) covering her. At the first sight anyone and everyone would feel that it is actually a veil. Later on, on going a bit closer one comes to know that it is indeed the virtuoso of the sculptor that the appearance like that is made. Many other parts of the museum…whewwwwwwwwwwww.!French part , German part..and I dunno which all part. Ivory was toooo good.
5. Zoological Park : This park is of almost one day visit(though we covered in few hours). Now, this has some of the finest species(especially birds in monsoon) all in natural habitat and about max 10-15ft. away from u. Best part is some lions and tigers and non-high jumpers kept without cages.There was a Safari too which we missed by 5-10 mins.
6. Lumbini Park.
7. ……….and so many other places… I dun recollect right now..Moiz , Sanjay, Anirudha cud add to this.
The best part of my hyd part was…Right since I went on 2nd oct…when Dusshera was there, the roads and places were lit and every thing looked so damn cool. Some of the places are usually lit like this in Diwali…whereas others were lit for Afro Asian games. The whole Hyd experience was damn cool.
Another dhinchak part was food in Hyd was cool. No complaints from anyone like about apna Bindra’s canteen in Pune.
As of now, I am on bench in Pune-CAPS for SBC (B2-1st flr near Reshma’s place).
Another part was that during Diwali, I and Sanjay did some shopping. Blazer for Sanjay(cos we were told that there is this rule in Hyd DC that on last Monday of every month, employees have to wear it…and rumours were there that some fine is ther.e. But, we barely saw anyone wearing it) , some pearls, some gold (of someone else,,as a part of diwali ritual) , Lifestyle was a crowded shopping mall. Something similar to Phoenix Mills’ Compound in Mumbai.
Arre haan, batane ka hi rah gaya …diwali mein thoda bahut trading (stocks) bhi kar liya….in hyd… since a friend is Asst.Vice President in Kotak securities in Sec’bad…In fact, he was instrumental in most of our shopping since we traveled using his car and he was a good guide indeed.
Well, all in all , we had a ball of a time.
I miss my roommates quite much. For 2 days when I woke up here in Pune, pehele wo log ka yaad aaata cos….missin them. Everything was quite perfect.
Moiz ka versatile,all-ecompassing kit ho…ya Aniruddha and Sanjay ka cool companionship . Everything fell in correct place. Accomodation was cool. Neighbours…(if they existed) never caused prbs. ;)
Jaane do, quite retro ho gaya mein.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Riding St Louis metro
I found the above link on the St Louis Metro website.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Colbert report...
Washington... !
Thursday, May 04, 2006
The Significance of "Cinco de Mayo"
The biggest misconception about Cinco de Mayo is that it commemorates of México's Independence Day. That holiday is, in fact, celebrated on September 16. On that date back in 1810, Father Miguel Hidalgo issued a proclamation known as El Grito de Dolores that united the many different rebellions going on against Spain into one cohesive struggle. México achieved its independence from Spanish rule in 1821.
Cinco de Mayo is actually a commemoration of a victory by Mexican troops in La Batalla de Puebla more that fifty years later, on May 5, 1862. President Benito Juárez inherited México's troubled political and financial situation, which included a bankrupt Mexican treasury. As a result of these problems, President Juárez issued a moratorium in 1861 halting payments on Mexican foreign debt. Much of this debt was owed to France. Shortly thereafter, France sent troops to México to secure payment of its debt. At the time, the French Army of Napoleon III was considered the premier army in the world. It had enjoyed recent victories throughout Europe and Asia. The French expected to march form the port city of Veracruz to Mexico City without encountering much resistance. President Juárez sent troops, under the command of General Ignacio Zaragosa, to Puebla to confront the French. The Mexican troops consisted almost entirely of indigenous soldiers, much like today. General Zaragosa's troops, outnumbered 4,700 to 5,200, were severely under-equipped. La Batalla de Puebla raged on for two hours, after which time the French were forced to retreat to Orizaba. Despite tremendous odds, the humble Mexican Army defeated the most powerful fighting unit in the world!
One year after La Batalla de Puebla, the French brought in more troops and re-attacked. This time they were able to make their way to Mexico City, take the capital, and install Emperor Maximilian of Hapsburg as the reigning monarch of México. Maximilian ruled México for about four years, until his execution in 1867 by troops loyal to President Juárez, who regained power.
Although La Batalla de Puebla on Cinco de Mayo was rendered militarily insignificant by the French's subsequent victory, it did inject the Mexican people with pride and patriotism it had never before enjoyed. Since its independence from Spain in 1821, México had suffered one tragedy after another. La Batalla de Puebla was the first time that the Mexican pueblo could rally around a common cause and proudly proclaim,
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
update !
MDA - the latest innovation from HTC is here in the US markets (backward these ppl terms of cell phone technology!)

I can have my calendar on it
In transit, I can email via via messenger.
Detailed list of features is present here.
Microsoft has provided a nice page for the same here
T-mobile salesman told me that I would get some add-ons from handango
Closing today's blog on this funny excerpt I saw somewhere.
Good GMAT question
Infosys entry difficult than Harvard ?
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Love struck Nidhi and Sandeep while they were studying together at IIM-A and after 2 years of graduation and being together they decided to tie the knot. Even though they both earned a 6-figure salary and had been living together for a year, they never had got down to discussing finance matters. 3 years into the marriage they ruefully look back and wonder how many fights they could have a ed if the details of money had been sorted out first
Prathibha Gheewala, Ex-Principal Marriage Counsellor, Bandra Court, says, “Money is a very important subject to talk about amongst couples who have a love marriage because there is little involvement of the elders who usually discuss these matters.”
Getting married for love doesn't make the big issues go away, and if you don't discuss them, you are setting yourself up for tangles. So here are 8 things a woman should ask before she walks down that isle.
1. Future Vision
“Where do you see yourself in 10 years?” This question is the best way to start a money conversation. For example, does he want to start your own business or own a vacation home? Where does he see himself and the two of you together? This will give you an idea of his goals and how he plans to achieve them. It will also help you judge if they are realistic.
2. Banking
Should you be keeping joint or separate accounts or a mix of both? Have separate joint accounts, one for husband and wife and the other for wife and husband, even if one of them is not assessed for income tax. This may sound trivial but actually is of great importance for proper tax planning.
Keeping accounts separate also keeps a semblance of control over your own earning.
3. Finances of Parents
Are either’s parents going to stay with you? What is their financial status? Who handles the household finances?
All these are very pertinent questions that need clarity. If you plan to support your parents then, it needs to be made clear too. Simran Wadhwa, a young IT professional who got married a year ago says that she is the only child and always thought she would support her parents, but her husband is absolutely against it. “It would have a ed the bitter arguments we have if this had been discussed and settled before marriage. It is very important to me”, she says.
4. Investments
Is he a conservative investor? Does he prefer bonds to equity? Does he have a retirement plan?
You need to discuss your current investments as well as your investment goals. There may be overlapping investments that will have to be reviewed. For instance if you both have high exposure to an aggressive equity oriented mutual fund, you may want to sell off some to keep the exposure limits.
5. Budget
Budgeting is not only for the middle class. ‘Budget’ doesn't have to be a boring exercise -- think of it as a means to reaching your goals.
You should also take this time to discuss other spending issues, such as how much each of you can spend without consulting the other. You probably don't want to discuss every Rs.100 purchase, but you don't want to come home from work and unexpectedly find a new Mercedes either.
6. Housing
Do either of you own a house? Do you plan to buy one soon? How large? What is the budget and how will you finance it?
Gheewala says, “Often a woman puts in her income into running the house and the man’s income goes for paying loans and building assets. At the end of 10 years there is an asset on his name and nothing to show for her contribution. It is therefore necessary to purchase a house jointly”
Besides the security created it makes sense tax wise too. Swati Lanke, a practicing Chartered Account explains that the tax benefits are higher if the house is owned jointly in a 50:50 proportion. The tax benefit doubles if you take the loan jointly and you may even qualify for a larger loan.
7. Financial nitty -gritty
Who will be responsible for paying the bills and preparing the taxes? Do you both contribute to paying them? Who keeps the paper work? The person who is more organised and has more time must take up this task. Non-routine decisions have to be discussed.
8. Insurance
Does your employer pay for your group insurance? By how much should you increase your insurance cover after marriage? What riders should you take? Do you take family health insurance?
The need for insurance of a married person is different from a single one. If you are taking a housing loan then again a term insurance is needed. If you are going to start a family then you need to factor that in.
The author, Shalini Amarnani, is a freelancer.Does your employer pay for your group insurance? By how much should you increase your insurance cover after marriage? What riders should you take? Do you take family health insurance?
The need for insurance of a married person is different from a single one. If you are taking a housing loan then again a term insurance is needed. If you are going to start a family then you need to factor that in.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
People who are dating have higher levels of sexual satisfaction than (married) couples ... but when they think the relationship is temporary, they're not going to feel as positive about sex - Laumann
Monday, April 17, 2006
....Of outfits, dinners and theatre !
As it is I was excited about the whole episode. I was surprised that she was too !
Lucas Park ppl treated us exceedingly well and we had a sumptuous dinner.
Post-dinner, as we moved towards the theatre, my heart was racing.
The theatre is a visual delight with Byzantine decoration in it. It was all so eclectic.
We had some of the best seats. Just before the show, they were showing videos of Chaiya Chaiya and other AR Rahman's songs.
I knew it would've been boring for Bee. However, I tried translating it for her - literally !
There were moments during the theatre that I had nostalgic feelings. Myself and Da Dame

"From India to here and now, from here to Pittsburgh. Would I never get to settle down ?"
I guess I am making choices for the same. Are they right ?
Would I be a self-made man after giving up so much ?
Even after that what would it be that I would've achieved ?
Answers - well, I don't know.
Only time will tell.
I really admire her listening skills and her maturity - well, I respect her for that. In the relation, I may be the immature one but her clarity of thoughts keep us bound together. I feel guilty about leaving at times.
Well, one of my fantasies are done !
Parting leads me to thinking about one of Picasso's paintings - Life !

Friday, April 14, 2006
Monday, April 10, 2006
Quality of life ranking of cities.
Surprisingly, Chicago is just 41st !
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
As a part of Admitted students weekend at Wash U, we had a trip to AB. AB, as the name suggests is German.
It was work of 2 German entrepreneurs (A and B)who had started their business in US around First World War period. After prohibition was removed, they started their work even with greater vigor. Today, they have quite a few beers with them....the main one being Budweiser !
Bud... is a German name. So, to make it more Americanised, they used the symbol of the Eagle :)
Anyways, I got to see the inside of the canning factory (2000 in a minute !) and also the chief of the plant discussed other stuff such as how he handles the union, etc. Now, he also discussed on strategies to get more market share....their market share for 20-27 age group fell from 70% to 45%. This is an interesting figure to know. Also, due to health reasons, older ppl left drinking beer. However, they bought Bud lite...which was introduced with this sole reason.
Anyways, he wanted to regain the market share from Martinis and other tuty-fruity drinks. Hence, the mgmt is now debating over the fact whether they should be just a beer company or get into other liqours as well.
Bee says...they should get into other spirits as well !
Well, I am not such a liqour person...and I prefer wine over any such things. ....despite of the fact that the beer chauvinists say .... "Wine is for Vagina".. whatever !
AB factory tour was something I had asked Bee about...but apparently, she didn't have time for it. With Wash U trip, I got to see more... hence, I think I should be content with the maxim...whatever happens...happens for the good.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Sunday...da day of trip.
bloody... day light saving had already taken the life out of me.
I got out of the Boathouse @ Forest Park early on the previous day in order to make it to bed early. However, I made it to bed only by around 11:30 pm or so.
Alarm clock started ringing at 5:45 as I had put it that way. However, I had woken up way before that. Drove down to the intermediate destination.
B took a ride to P's place to get R's kitten. P was in sleep when we reached her place. She is gettin her house in shape slowly and steadily (and you know what they say about...slow and steady.....winnin the race).
Then we were all set !
Well, on the way, we played a nice game...that of learning numbers in various languages.
R taught us French numbers (Un, Do, Twa, Qwatra, Sank, Six, Set, Ouit, nuff, I remember it !)....and I tried teaching Hindi numbers !
Did some small naughty things....n sinful food. Yeah, southern food is almost everything fried !
btw, B was ready with her indian-kurta like top (with some embroidery/design) with jeans on it..much like the indian college goin gurls.
Well, we reached home pretty much in the afternoon...but it was a fun ride...nice day outside..nice ride...good stops at logical breaks.
R was mad about the fact that she was unable to get into her house and show us her prom dress. For an intelligent gurl like R, I had expected a little bit more maturity. Well, blame it on the hormones though.... I mean teenagers are like that. There was a time...even I was a teenager :)
Anyways, got to know Bee's mom is planning to sell that house. Bee had apparently done a good job setting up her aunt's room in mom's place.
Later, myself and Bee visited Bee's own place. Nice scenic was a beautiful day. I dont know if she would've been able to manage it there. I mean..I remember my aunt having a place for a bungalow at our native place...but once she was hooked on to Mumbai..she didn't want to go there. Bee persisted on the point that she would be able to make it in TN. I dont think so !
Way back was a trip I would never forget....ever !
We had discussions with which we got to know more about each other. We faced a stormy drive together. Well, it was overall an action packed Sunday evening.
btw, while Bee showed me her place and we headed for a chinese buffet place for our dinner, I drove the rest of the journey. I realised she must be tired. Now, her truck is absolutely fantastic. As much as it is loaded, it is convenient.
What was the most enthralling of the revelations was the survival of this Taurean female from all that she's been through. Puts her in a different orbit altogether. terms of respect.
All the while, I never felt uncomfortable in the storm...despite of having a look at the Tornado's one side of the wall which Bee spotted out. At that time, it didn't seem that big a thing...but later when the downpour increased and we were still listening to music instead of radio, I realised what we were getting into. A tornado warning was already issued but we were both ignorant at that time.
That's why they say "Ignorance is bliss"
We could go through it so well. For me, what mattered the most was her company. Probably, her company can let me weather any storm and remain unperturbed. That's what I feel at least now.
We came back to IL just to find out that her area was hit too. Fortunately, not her house...but yes, a nearby region was hit and live wires lying open forced the emergency team to black out an entire region. She guided towards another exit and we were at her place.
After all this, I felt like making a rebuttal to the unavoidable offshore call. Laid my head down on her lap. Remembered someone so much ....(weeps).
Later, we went to sleep. She wakes up early and knocked on my door at 6:30 or so.
We had a morning routine I wouldn't the end, I found out it was 10:47 am and I was not in the office ! Well, gotta run.
This weekend before my 24th bday is something I would always treasure !
Yeah....absolute twisters...both tornadoes and life-twisters !
Weekend started with the registration to the Admitted Students weekend at Wash U.
The nature of class I met was what I expected. Their corporate experience ranged from 12 to 48 months. Some of them were really good. Some of them had already committed.
Those committed had great amount of fun...others like me were asking ppl.....trying to validate what if they made this choice. So, the Fri evening started with a Speed Networking game ...similar to Speed Dating game.
Met quite a few ppl there...notable was Bijal. She was American born Indian gurl. I think she was from Ohio. Gujju ! She had admits from Stern and Wash U. The latter offered her a scholarship and she wanted to think about them since she already had 6 years experience and didn't want to take up a debt for a Masters degree.
That made me think....that would it make sense to do an MBA after MISM ???
Unnecessary waste of money and time !
Moreover, those who wanna make it...make it without a degree...esp, in today's era...we have something known as a EMBA :)
So, later I met Susi ....Susi Allison from Wash U.
Her hubby was from Nepal. She was planning on setting up stuff in India someway.
She knew quite a few things about Indian culture.
btw, India is a big brand name in the United States by now!
Fri nite...I tried getting hold of Bee.... ran around frm pillar to post for 2 hours...and lack of cell phone caused this ridiculous situation. Darn it !
Sat ...I started off early with Wash U....Faculty panel....then a Class followed by an Alumni panel.
btw, they gave us an iPod too.
Later, I got to visit St Louis.....some of the most beautiful parts...nobody ever took me before. Now, that's what I call a city.
Pedestrian neighbourhoods....I wonder why Bee did not choose to buy a house there....later she explained me that the Mo taxes were way higher than the IL taxes.
By now, ...the committed students were making plans on checking out housing by May or June or July. They planned to take pre-programs too.
Rodney, Finance club president, explained to me that for is definitely at a slight disadvantage due to location...however, one does get face time with the regular recruiters since Dean and others take the students to NY for roadshows after which placements are far better.
Their Finance club is arranging a trip to Omaha to meet the legendary investor Warren Buffet.
Frankly speaking, I feel Wash U would be the best environment to study. Students are hard working...non-pretentious. It has a typical midwestern feel to it. Also, being a small program, the alums are really do care about their batches. Wherever they are...they try to push the resumes of their juniors as much as possible.
This made Wash U very very attractive to me.
Also, I know St Louis and hence, I can easily settle down here.
Moreover, I would get to meet some of my very close friends I made here...
However, that's not a major point to consider. After all, I have left my home to come here.
What might lack is that if in year 2008, I discover that due to a slump they are unable to place me ..then I shall be in a bad position. For CMU, placements would start pretty much by Sept and hence, that uncertainity would be less...but the tuition is ex-fuckin-pensive.... 40k (after scholarships)
However, it would gates of star univs for MBA, if I would wish to do it later. Mostly, I shall do an eMBA. Harshad's gotta come to US. Gotta bring in dad n mom too.
I dont know why but sometimes I feel that had I been in India, for me the potential to network and make friends would've been far higher than it is now. Here, due to my dark first, ppl are overawed or they are simply curious. It takes time to convince on various factors. Amongst Indians, it doesn't take much time.
Anyways, continuing about the weekend, we headed to the Boathouse in Forest Park on Sat night....which was wrecked completely in Sun evening wrath of nature. Boat house was a nice event..met the Chinese gurl who is in consulting and lives in NJ and works in Kansas..and is mostly out of Kansas. I asked her if she liked her job and she mentioned, it sucked :)).
I knew this answer since the lives of consultants are miserable due to the constant travel involved. Mon-Thurs is a big pain in the butt.
Comparing it to Bee's life, Bee is a Queen !
I also met Shanti. Now, at first glance, I felt she was American. However, I figured out that she was an Indian. Her mom is an American I guess, for the looks she possesses. She had an admit from Stern too. However, she had an aid from Wash U and mostly wanted to attend Wash U.
So, that brings me to square one.
Spending money on education vis-a-vis doing hardwork at work and making smart moves to get what one wants.
If I do my Wash U MBA, I would not require any other education pretty much. So, by 2008, I would be in debt of 60k which would be paid off by 2010 or 2011.
If I do my CMU MISM, I would require an MBA very much ...later. So, by 2008, I would've paid off my debt for MISM. Later, I can make savings for MBA till 2011 and then get an MBA in eMBA form....i.e. if I dont land with a travelling job.
letsee...right now, MISM seems to be the way to go !
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Wow...she looked so refreshing.
She had Indian-like kurta with the silver accessories (something similar to the payal on the wrist)...and she looked slimmer.. (dunno what she and other ladies in office are doing lately....they are getting it WeightWatchers ?)
By now, pretty much I had come out of my silly phase and had decided to be at a certain level only. After all, she is way high up and I am way low below. Also, other things come into play.
Bee told me her tale and trip at T. She got her niece R in with her since the scene at her place is not that great. She would be better off with her aunt during her Spring break.
Anyways, coming back to our discussion. I told her about my time in Chicago.
I was about to get out. She asked me to come on in. ...since we didn't talk since a long time.
I missed her...but had got over it by now.... (pretty much).
So, after my part, she told me her part about her kitchen guy and how he came down from 80k to 29k. Only catch is ...her house would have a billboard of that company for 60 days. Hence, her kitchen would drastically be revamped. Entire episode was cool and her hard-ball play was real good. However, she has to tear her old one down herself. I think her bro and a few other ppl can do it.
Well, spending time with her is a great feeling. She is something to me I can't define.
At times, she guides me like an elder sis. At times, she loves me as a fantastic friend. Other times, she is a great mother (I wish...things would've been different for her than they are right now).
I told her "Mom's gotta talk to you".
Nervous, happy, fear of committment, etc...all at once, she said - "You are intimidating me Manik". Blushes, this that everything.
Anyways, I told her...that Saree has 3 parts...and explained why mom wanted to talk... - Measurements .
Hey bhagwan !
Someday, I m gonna ask her...what went on her mind when I told her that.
Also, I told her that Mrs. P took an offence about the money part in the email.
Wrapping it up, I got out on a note that I shall be joining her this Sat.
Celebrated anniversary recently....of coming to US.
Check out this link....
5th row, 2nd column
That's me and Lori (prev post)
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Friday, March 24, 2006
The way they met...started with a REJECTION :)
wow...n there they go !
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Online magazine
This is not another online gives you a facility of turning pages and reading it like your regular magazine available on the stands:
I liked it: both content and presentation.
check it out !

has been wasting a lot of my time.
But, it has given me links to lot of my old friends and new potential friends.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Wachowski bros. create another master piece from the old comic.
Hugo has done nice work as the character V.
Overall, a 9 out of 10 on this flick.
Natalie Portman was absolutely attractive (not gorgeous though) though her role .... (she went bald on this one !)
I was highly impressed with the part she played after V tells her that her torture was all done by him and was staged. Nice acting, babe !
Overall, good movie for the Infosys quarterly party on Sunday.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
A colleague recently mailed this link out of curiosity...
Steve Jobs, you are one heck of a moneyed mastermind who is out there to extract money from whatever possible.
to what extent can one go down ?
where is the US moral brigade of conservationists?
Thursday, March 16, 2006
She is wearing the refreshing RED which she had worn when we went out bowling.
This coupled with her gold chain is looking nice on her...told her..she should wear more of gold.... well, as usual..she disagreed and subtly mentioned..I wear gold only occasionally.
mmmmmmmmm, how do I tell her...that her other accessories didn't go well with rest of the attire !....but yeah, she has been doing really good on her overall outfits and accessories front @!
Glad to see that.
btw, one of my major milestones in projects got over....but many things remain yet to decide. Have to meditate in order to make a good decision.
As it is, leaving SP Jain Dubai-Singapore opportunity.....I am feeling so sinful !
checked out their placements....
It is true....when they say....if things come easily in dont tend to value it :(
Mournin....abt bad decisions......but as a friend advised.... Be Positive.
Job ke grind ka load mat le.... karna hai utna hi doesn't matter.
Resigning to work...on this note !
That day of year when you can drag anybody and throw colors on them.
An interesting event happened.
An inebbriated blonde stopped her car after seeing so many ppl on the streets in our apartment complex. She asked what were we all doing. We said...celebrating the Indian festival of colors.
She asked...ok..that I can see..explain more.
She was so drunk...she would get down with anybody she shook her hand with.
So, one pundit tried to explain her... "did u have quarrel/fight with anyone ?.... if yes, just throw color on him/her and then you forget all the differences and start a new beginning."
I didn't know about this.... so, thoda gyan mila.
But next, the blonde while shaking hands almost went ahead to hug this man....and I yelled "Bhai, bhabhiji idhar hi hai....haath milana ...gale na lagna"
[Bro, dont hug her.... ur wifey is nearby...just shake hands]
He got so scared...he was trembling while shaking hands.
Then later, I was explaining the lady about the festival and she offered me a drink...she was carrying a six-pack.
Anyways, the whole event was so much fun ...and my body is sore today.
I hit a mile on the stepper, another one on arc-trainer and then when I was about to have my dinner...these guys dragged me out of my house for holi and colored me completely. It was fun though..I would've missed those cute events of life. ..had I not been dragged in.
NjoI !
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
random blog
We had a lunch in an Irish place which we had visited earlier.
Besides lunch, we shared those sweet moments....
She didn't have her rules on the line... I didn't want to get her spoilt with her routine... so thought of making her conscious about it... I know she might be hating me for that... .but I can't see her get being sinful at food.
So, she just had one piece then... I got rest wrapped up for my home so that way..she is prevented from further sin :)
btw, later we were discussing many things.
one of them was about which one am I going to take ? .....the one with the name and gets over in one year or the one with lesser name but would put me to stuff I want to do !?
The latter can land me up in trouble if I dont land up with a decent job here later.
btw, we chatted...and had a desert...her favourite is caramel... (for me, it doesn't matter !)
This is going to be one of those moments which I shall miss which I admitted to her and there she goes... " would get another friend... .u r sociable..." or something similar.
I told her that she should stop me anytime if I she felt that invaded her space...cos we were discussing some sensitive stuff about somebody in her family...and I wanted to make it clear that I have no intentions of making her remember all that. It all just started with the veggie Quesedilla...I had in Chevy's.
She wants ppl to be strong... to be liking themselves and depending their happiness on themselves and not others...cos in that scenario one might get hurt. She was right...but for the sake of a viewpoint..
I countered her... what's wrong with having do that ...base ur happiness on someone else ? an extent is fine, right ? Of course..not to the extent that you would committ suicide for that person or make your life miserable....but atleast to the extent that if that person is shall be more happy !
Of course, one should be able to bounce back fast and move around doubt about that !
Anyways, the debate continued....
She partially believes in ideologies of Ayn Rand and the concept of self-made man.